Anna Trushkova

In October-November 2009 scholarship fund cultural programs named Dunayevsky, laureate of international competitions Anna Trushkova (piano) gave a 3-man shows:
- 19.10.2009 - Concert Hall of the Academic College of Music at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky,
- 31/10/2009 - The State Museum-Reserve of Alexander Pushkin (Golitsino, Moscow Region),
- 3/11/2009 - Great Hall of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts (Krasnodar).
- M.Glinka-M.Balakirev "Lark"
- M. Balakirev "Islam",
- Rachmaninov Etudes-tableaux op.33,
- Prokofiev Sonata № 8 op.84.
Encore Anna has performed the play Prokofiev's "Obsession" and "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky-Korsakov (in the processing of Rachmaninov).
Concert pianist played in Krasnodar at the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the IV International Piano Competition, named after Balakirev as the winner of the last competition.
Also on Oct. 21 Anna Trushkova participated in the International Music Festival "Heritage", organized by the Moscow Conservatory, where he showed himself as a soloist, performing the most difficult piece Balakirev "Islam", and as concertmaster.
The future plans of Anna Trushkova includes a concert performance of Rachmaninoff's Second with the Kuban Symphony Orchestra under the People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Ponkina.
The concert will be held on November 27 in Krasnodar.